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Book, Old Home Places of Louisa County Revisited



Published by Louisa County Historical Society, 2016320 pages, indexed, hardcover, Since the first edition of Old Home Places of Louisa County was published in 1979, it has served as a treasure trove of information about the history of Louisa County and its people dating back to and before the county’s formation in 1742. The county’s old houses and taverns hosted the likes of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington during the Revolutionary War period. Other names known in Civil War history appear in Louisa County’s story as well, including military leaders George Custer and Wade Hampton and abolitionists John Mercer Langston and Henry “Box” Brown. It was also the home to farmers, merchants, teachers, slaves, doctors, pastors, and patriots as they settled in Central Virginia, raised their families, and went about their daily lives. The Louisa County Historical Society’s revised edition includes additional homes, with colorful photographs and sidebars that made this book an invaluable resource 


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