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The Freedom of Choice Remembrance Project

In 2021, the Louisa County Historical Society launched a project to preserve the oral histories of students who experienced the first year of public school integration under the Freedom of Choice Plan.  Historical Society staff and volunteers recorded over ten hours of first-hand accounts from 20 former students. 

In October 2023, we opened an exhibit at the Sargeant Museum of Louisa History highlighting these interviews and framing them in the context of the Massive Resistance movement. 

Plan a trip to the museum and see the installation yourself. If you are unable to visit us in person, watch clips from the oral history interviews on our Youtube channel.


Freedom of Choice Overview

Watch this 11-minute video to get a general understanding of the Freedom of Choice Plan's impact on Louisa County High School. 

Desegregating Sports Teams at LCHS

Listen to the experiences students had playing on integrated sports teams for the first time.

Riding the bus

Some of the first Black students to integrate into Louisa County High School describe their experiences riding the school bus. 

Feeling Invisible

Many Black students described "feeling invisible" due to being ignored by their white peers and teachers. 

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